Package Bromo Midnight is short trip which provided for visitors who have limited time for their vacation. It is very simple vacation to enjoy Bromo Sunrise view. Package Bromo Midnight does not need to stay in the hotel during the trip but it directly go to Bromo after we pick the visitors in arrival meeting point .
Here is detail itinerary:
- We will pick you up by private car in your arrival Surabaya Airport in the evening around 19.00 – 22.00 PM.
- Then we drive you to Cemoro Lawang around Bromo area entrance ticket gate around 3 hours on driving.
- And change private car to jeep 4 WD and transfer to Mt Penanjakan/Kingkong Hill to enjoy sunrise about 40 minutes on driving normally.
- Wait the sunrise view around 05.20am, enjoy the sunrise until satisfied.
- At 06.30am, visit Widodaren Hill to take some photos with jeep car view.
- At 07.00am, visit Bromo crater by walking around 30 minutes to the peak. And enjoy the view of Bromo active volcano until satisfied.
- Back to jeep and go to the private car to have breakfast in local restaurant.
- At 09.30 AM, back to the private car and go to Surabaya Airport about 3 hours.
- The finished in Surabaya Airport about 13.00 PM.
- Private car
- Jeep car 4 WD
- Entrance ticket
- Mineral water
- Petrol, parking and high way fee
For more information and reservation, CONTACT US here!